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Smart Wing Chun Kung Fu


Technician: Second Grade

from a left or right neutral stance.
Double bil sao from a left or right neutral followed with a step up and turn with half retreat.
Double entry from a left or right neutral followed with a step up and turn with half retreat.
Double bil sao shuffle application on a person with front kick and round kick.
Double bil sao application on a person with two front kicks.

with a straight punch from a left or right neutral stance.
Simultaneous attack and defence on a person, inside and outside.

Triangle footwork, t-step, trapping, reverse, advancing, c-step, stepping with high and low punching.

Inside jut sao cheun sao, to a straight punch, t-step, stamp kick, man sao, jut sao to a round punch, side palm and twist spine.
Outside jut sao cheun sao, t-step, stamp kick combination.
Outside jut sao cheun sao, follow with arm break.

Application's on wooden dummy and on a person.

and front kick
Counter with half retreat, step forward with a pak sao followed by elbow strike.
Counter front kick with a leg block followed with cheun sao larp sao knee strike to the opponent's ribs.

Control of opponent's leg followed by huen sao, cow sao followed with a side palm.
Counter with inside cheun sao take down followed by elbow strike.
Double larp sao followed by side palm or elbow strike.

Entry with single step with man sao.
Entry with double step and man sao.
Entry followed with gum sao and side palm.
Entry followed with jut sao knee strike. Inside entry technique followed up with arm locks.


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Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10

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