Smart Wing Chun Kung Fu
It was the successful sitting of an exam that allowed me the luxury of pursuing Wing Chun again. The initial dabbling had only increased my appetite and the opportunity in the face of traditional Wing Chun club and Sifu Mark Clark proved irresistible. So, the last two and a half years have turned into a journey of exploring the numerous aspects of kung-fu. Firstly, I enjoy the novelty of an undiscovered technique and the elbow grease of daily practice. In the second place, the art offers a unique blend of elegance and a dose of adrenaline. Additionally, the members can make the most of regular exercise and a self-defence system. The challenges that call for intelligence and perseverance include unfamiliar ways of moving your limbs and body, stretching your stamina, transforming your aggression into creativity and bonhomie and finally seeing your life as a composite of family, personal and work-life parts. After all, it is the healthy balance of all our activities that keep us sane and allow us to appreciate life as a whole.
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